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2022 Fellow

Iman Javaheri

Department of Aerospace Engineering


Iman Javaheri is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Aerospace Engineering and Scientific Computing Program. He is a member of the Multi-Scale Structural Simulations Laboratory (MSSL) led by Prof. Veera Sundararaghavan. The lab’s research focuses on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), multi-scale modeling, and statistical learning to compute and control mechanisms at nano- and micro-structural length scales in moderate to extreme environments. Iman’s research responds to these challenges by creating numerical techniques for reconstructing and characterizing large-scale microstructural models based on robotic experimental imaging. These tools aim to improve the current state-of-the-art simulation and prediction capabilities for the 3D digit twin of additively-manufactured light-weight metallic structures used in aerospace industries. Among his other awards, Iman has won the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship, Rackham Merit Fellowship (RMF), Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE) Fellowship, and Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement.