Paul Beata

2015 Fellow

Paul A. Beata

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Paul A. Beata was selected as the 2015-2016 fellow for the J. Robert Beyster Computational Innovation Graduate Fellows Program. Paul was a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. As a Beyster Fellow, he developed a computational framework for analyzing structures exposed to natural fire scenarios by coupling fire-structure interactions in finite element analyses. Paul was also actively involved as a leader of the CEE Student Advisory Committee and participates in various recruiting efforts for his department.

Paul earned his joint degree in Civil Engineering and Scientific Computing. His recent research included 1) a collaborative project on the development of fire-structure simulation code for coupling the fluid domain of a fire simulation with the solid domain used in thermo-mechanical analyses and 2) the creation of a novel software-intensive system for real-time fire event monitoring and visualization. Paul successfully defended his dissertation during the summer of 2017.